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7.236 km · 9 Länder
One Mission

Ich sammle Spenden für den SeeHamster – einem Müllsammelschiff der deutschen Umweltorganisation One Earth – One Ocean e.V.
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The Tour is over –
the mission continues

I have been back since 17 July 2022. The eventful tour with many unexpected challenges took me from Hamburg around the North Sea and Baltic Sea for three months. After 7,236 km and 9 countries crossed, this adventure is over.

But the mission continues!

20.000 € are the goal


Already donated: 10.502 Euro

This can be used to finance a SeeHamster, which contributes to cleaning up the oceans. Now you are probably right to ask what a SeeHamster is. You can find out here.

Support the SeeHamster - support the oceans. Every amount helps!

Or donate directly to One Earth – One Ocean e.V.:
IBAN: DE47 7016 3370 0004 1108 70  ·  BIC: GENODEF1FFB
> Note to payee: „Big Biking Cleanup for SeeHamster“

The final tour standings

habe ich absolviert 🙂
0 km
Plastikmüll habe ich gesammelt 😐
0 kg

All the Madness

on Instagram

Daily reports from the tour, encounters with people, impressions and everything else that happens can be followed on Instagram. Follow me and your heart, which surely also beats for nature. Peace!

The Project

Wo und warum ich unterwegs war

The Fundraising Campaign

Für wen ich (weiterhin) unterwegs bin

Herzlichen Dank an alle Unterstützer:innen
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